Monday, May 14, 2012

Conclusion for my internship

We have tried to answer the problem formulation question on how to make a website to promote the cleaning service from QH service and use the website media platfrom to expand the target group . We have divided solution in vision, mission and objectives goals. 
in this period, I  develop my marketing analysis ability,the different company ,different product use different method to analysis the project and find the best way to achieve our project aim.meantime I also improve my coding skill during this internship as well. 

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Conclusion of usability test

After and usability test, we know the results clearly because the simple questions. It is very easy to use our website, and the message is so clear for all users,of cause we also have found too much shortage of our website and we realize what we are going to work with to improve our website especially the web design.  But for generally speaking, our homework is smooth finished, we confident this website can help the company -- QH service find more and more customers. 

Monday, May 7, 2012

The user test

What do you think when you see the logo?
Can you find the earphones you want?
Please go back home?
Do you like website colors or you will prefer different colors?
Does website hierarchy look too complicated to you?
Can you give me your overall opinion about the website in your own words?

Saturday, May 5, 2012

The gangster test

What website is this?
What is major section of this site?
What subpage am I on?
What are my options at this level?
Where am I in this scheme of thing?
Search function?

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Usability test

After designing our main page and logo based on the analysis, we turned to usability test, according to the result of test and suggestion from audience, we will know where we should improve and which part we should change, the purpose is to complete our website with efficient usability.
In this project, we use questionnaire method to test our website and website usability to realize what results will be. We have gathered 10 questions to ask our audience (about 10 people). The purpose is to get information from our audience and users. 
 Did we make benefits or convenience for them and how did they feel when they are using the website? We also could get suggestions from them, which part we can improve in order to attract consumers and improve too in either design or product too plus what we should add more to make the usability of our website better.
It is the easiest way for us to test out the results of average people’s think, without too many difficulties. And we can save a lot of time in this case.
 Some of people are not honest such as they do not want to say any bad words for our website. So they just answer like “YES” or “GOOD” that means they will support our website, maybe they can find the shortage of our website and they do not it maybe.
 We also have thought of another better way to test our product that is we can make feedback box on our website, we can catch user’s feedback from wider area and every kind of people. 

challenge in coding

 We coded our website with the Grid 960 CSS Framework. Grid 960 is a CSS Framework that enables developers to rapidly prototype designs. They are excellent tools for creating mock ups. Why? Because they do all the heavy lifting allowing you to get faster results.While coding you must assign a class to each div,Naming conventions require that the class name begins with "grid" and ends with the number of columns needed .In our case we will use "grid-12","grid-4" and "grid-8",respectively.

For example:

Saturday, March 10, 2012

new circle model

We use the new circle model to help us to communicate with our target group audience with very clear message in designing. The model consists of six circles that include target group, sender, content, media, environment and shaping design, these circles are all linked each other. When you have once resolved a problem in one of the circles, this affects the elements and problems in the other five. Thus, the model causes you to harmonize all six circles with each other. It is only when the model is harmonized that the product of the communication is ready to use.
Figure: New circle model

Target group:
the businessmen who manage the office , restaurant ,beer/coffee bar etc.
Gender:  male and female
They use Internet so often and have  Facebook account.
They are very busy about their work, but like do the business online.
Sender: QH service 
Content: To offer the shining and cheap cleaning service to our target group.
Media: Intranet, chat function, sign up for Facebook and so on.
Environment: Communication and B2B business environment
Shaping design: Pictures, logo, slogan, authorization fields, menus, chat function, sign up for members and social networks.
The purpose of we are using this model is we want to send our message effectively in our design. In order to communicate with our target group by our website and let the businessmen make the cooperation with QH service.